HTTPS is set up correctly!

Your website is secure.

HTTPS is not enabled.

Your site is not likely to be trusted by potential visitors, browsers, and/or search engines.

Secure your website to protect your visitors and ensure that they won't lose trust in your site due to a "Not Secure" label on your web pages. Doteasy has developed the newest business hosting plans to include HTTPS for ALL domains under your account. In short, HTTPS is automatically set up to ensure that your website(s) complies with Google's stance on web security. Upgrade your hosting plan to secure your website with HTTPS.

Secure my website through HTTPS with Business Hosting

Have more questions about HTTPS or the best options for your website? Feel free to contact Doteasy's support team to find the best fit for your needs.


  • What is HTTPS?

    HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. It is essentially the secure version of HTTP. With HTTPS, the communication between your browser (for example, Chrome) and the website are encrypted by using a secured socket layer (SSL). This can prevent eavesdropping by hackers, and helps to keep any data collected from your site visitors safe.

  • How will my site be affected by Google's policies on HTTPS?

    If your non-HTTPS site allows any text input from visitors (e.g. search box, contact forms, login panels, etc.), or if you have a non-HTTPS site that transmits credit cards, Google Chrome will show a "Not Secure" warning in the address bar of your site. This may cause potential visitors to lose trust in your website, leading to a decrease in traffic, higher bounce rate, or decrease of sales. Google also uses HTTPS as a ranking signal. Without HTTPS, your search ranking can be negatively impacted. This can deter visitors from finding or trusting your website.

    Note that Chrome has proposed to mark ALL non-HTTPS pages as "Not secure" in the near future, and as HTTPS becomes more of the norm, they plan to make the warnings even more prominent.

  • How can I migrate my site to HTTPS?

    Doteasy now includes SSL in all of our hosting plans - at no added cost! This will allow every site to be run over a secure HTTPS connection for FREE.

    For full details on how to set up HTTPS for your website, reach out to our friendly support team!

    For added trust and security benefits, such as Site Seal validation, you can also manually purchase GeoTrust SSL.

  • Have more questions about HTTPS or the best options for your website?

    Feel free to contact Doteasy's support team to find the best fit for your needs.